Have you ever thought about the time and expense of verifying credit applications? Since checking credit references is one of the most time-consuming and least-productive tasks which hotel accounting departments do, consider outsourcing this job of verifying credit information to Hotel Credit Association. HCA provides a credit reference verification service to hotels of all sizes throughout the world.
We provide low-cost, highly detailed credit reports with a quick response time to hotel accounting departments. Consider an employee's time spent on the phone, making follow-up calls, sending numerous faxes, emails, etc. just to verify a credit reference. When everything is taken into account, your costs to verify credit can be quite considerable.
Hotel Credit Association eliminates a hotel's wasted time and energy by providing a low-cost, rapid response credit report. We also include any additional credit history we have on file about the client at no extra charge. Hotel Credit Association specializes in saving hotels time and money.
We provide low-cost, highly detailed credit reports with a quick response time to hotel accounting departments. Consider an employee's time spent on the phone, making follow-up calls, sending numerous faxes, emails, etc. just to verify a credit reference. When everything is taken into account, your costs to verify credit can be quite considerable.
Hotel Credit Association eliminates a hotel's wasted time and energy by providing a low-cost, rapid response credit report. We also include any additional credit history we have on file about the client at no extra charge. Hotel Credit Association specializes in saving hotels time and money.
If you look at the amount of money your hotel spends to pay your employees to contact references based on hourly wages or salary, we can and will save your hotel money.
Plus, our service allows employees to better allocate their time and perform other accounting tasks with less aggravation.
HCA is the leader in the hotel credit industry.
When compared to other companies or even internal personnel wages, our prices can't be beat.
Plus, our service allows employees to better allocate their time and perform other accounting tasks with less aggravation.
HCA is the leader in the hotel credit industry.
When compared to other companies or even internal personnel wages, our prices can't be beat.
You will need to call or email HCA to create an account.
Once an account is established, you will be given an HCA member # along with an HCA Coversheet.
Simply email or fax your credit applications to Hotel Credit Association along with your HCA Coversheet.
We will provide you with detailed credit history regarding the credit references from your credit application.
We will also research our large database for any additional credit references, and then send you a detailed Credit Profile.
We also verify trade/vendor references, but if we have hotel database references, we will provide these instead of your trade/vendor references.
Once an account is established, you will be given an HCA member # along with an HCA Coversheet.
Simply email or fax your credit applications to Hotel Credit Association along with your HCA Coversheet.
We will provide you with detailed credit history regarding the credit references from your credit application.
We will also research our large database for any additional credit references, and then send you a detailed Credit Profile.
We also verify trade/vendor references, but if we have hotel database references, we will provide these instead of your trade/vendor references.
Here at Hotel Credit Association, we pride ourselves in providing the utmost quality service to our customers.
In fact, our goal is to save your hotel time and money.
HCA is an independent credit verification company working in the hotel industry since 1993.
Our service is designed to provide hotels with efficient, reliable and time sensitive reports at a minimal cost.
HCA gives hotels the flexibility to pursue other time pressing tasks while we do the manual work.
HCA acts as a common facilitator between HCA member hotels and other hotels throughout the world.
In fact, our goal is to save your hotel time and money.
HCA is an independent credit verification company working in the hotel industry since 1993.
Our service is designed to provide hotels with efficient, reliable and time sensitive reports at a minimal cost.
HCA gives hotels the flexibility to pursue other time pressing tasks while we do the manual work.
HCA acts as a common facilitator between HCA member hotels and other hotels throughout the world.
The service is very efficient and extremely helpful in approving credit for our groups and conventions.
Hotel Credit Association takes the hassle out of having to continually make reference calls.
The information and the professionally detailed report Hotel Credit Association provides is a very useful tool I can use to make a credit decision.
Often HCA has additional hotel references from their database.
Hotel Credit Association takes the hassle out of having to continually make reference calls.
The information and the professionally detailed report Hotel Credit Association provides is a very useful tool I can use to make a credit decision.
Often HCA has additional hotel references from their database.
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